1. First Meeting

Before this meeting, complete your set of Better Love Assessments and talk through your Report and Action Plan together as a couple. Also send a copy of each to your Mentors in advance.

The goal of this first meeting is simple: get to know one another as well as you can, as fast as you can! That way you get the most out of your time together.

Tell your stories.

Gather together around a table if you can, and share how each couple met, and the journey to your decision to get married.

Walk Through Your Assessment

Spend the rest of your time together walking through your Better Love Report and Action Plan. What did this process affirm for you that you already knew? Did it surprise you in any way, or shine a light on anything you haven’t thought about before? What are you learning about each other? What will you do about it?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to cover each area in depth; that’s what the next several meetings are for. This is just an introduction.

Your mentor couple will pray over you to close.

Next Time

Set the time and date for your next meeting.

Before then, stream or download the following message from Jon Tyson about the purpose and function of Christian marriage. Journal notes and questions as you listen.

You’ll discuss the foundations of a biblical marriage in depth in your next meeting, so bring your notes along.

Your assessments no doubt highlighted many opportunities for you to communicate and grow, and we simply can’t cover them all here. Here are some extra resources you’ll find very helpful now and in the future.