
Joining God in the Renewal of All Things


I have a confession to make.  I love to read books, but I start a lot more books than I finish.  I don’t know if anyone else has a hard time finishing books, but I know I do.  It seems like I get about two thirds through, then another book looks more interesting.  I always set out with the best of intentions, but they don’t always pan out in the end.

I might not always finish what I start.  But that’s not the case with God.  God always finishes what he starts.

 We have learned that sin messes things up pretty bad.  Thankfully, God has rescued us from our sin in the work of Jesus.  Today we’re going to learn that God isn’t finished with us yet.  God is making everything new—and that includes you.

Revelation 21:3–5 says:

I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.  He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”  And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!”

These last words are spoken by Jesus, and it gives us a glimpse of what things will be like someday.  We all agree that the world we live in now has plenty of sorrow, crying, and pain.  However, as Christians we look forward to the day when Jesus returns to earth and sets up the heavenly kingdom.  

When that day comes, all things will be made new—God will finish what he started.

But the question is, what about today?  If that’s all stuff that happens in the future, then why bother trying to fix things now?  Shouldn’t we just try to hang on, make it through life, and hope that we can make it to the end?

Some believe this is the case.  As a result, there is an assumption that this earth and what happens on it doesn’t really matter.  

But what if God has already started making all things new?  What if this world does matter, because it is the center of God’s renewing work?  And what if we are called to join God in this mission?

Hundreds of years before Christ, the prophet Joel wrote about a day when God would pour out his spirit on everyone.  This would be a sign that God’s renewing work has begun.

Then, in Acts 2, we read about Pentecost—which is where the Holy Spirit is poured out on God’s people.  On Pentecost, the apostle Peter stands up and quotes Joel, saying that the moment Joel looked forward to was happening.  God’s renewal had begun!

God does not leave us to fend for ourselves.  God is working to make all things new, and that includes us.  

In fact, God is so committed to finishing what he started that he even dwells within us—that’s the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is God in us—restoring us, renewing us, and empowering us to join him.

 This means that today, we can look in the face of pain and sorrow and say with confidence, “you lose.”  Jesus is alive, and the Holy Spirit indwells us, and God’s renewing mission guides us.  The great awakening has begun, and he is finishing what he started.  

God is making everything new—and that includes you.

Have you ever felt hopeless? How does the truth that God finishes what he starts speak to you in times like this?

The Bible teaches that God’s renewing work has already started (Acts 2, Mark 1:15, Colossians 1:20). When God renews something, he repairs what’s broken. When has God done this in your life?

Where do you need renewal today?