Establishing a Life Theme

Articulate Your Calling


As you begin to identify the most significant events of your life and plot them on your timeline, you’ll start to uncover details you’ve never noticed before.

Spend time simply studying your timeline with God; considering the positive and negative turns, and the redemptive perspectives you’ve gained.

How have these events worked together to shape you into who you are today?

Where was God speaking and acting within them, even if you didn’t realize it at the time?

What unique qualities thread these events together, even if they previously seemed unrelated?

Who has God been for you over and over? How has that formed you into who you are today?

Identify patterns and themes.

The ways God repeatedly works in and through our gifts, passions, failures, suffering, and victories are bright clues into our purpose and calling.

For example, many who have suffered with addiction recognize that God is redeeming their past, equipping them to help others with the same struggle. Similarly, some who’ve endured the loss of loved ones are uniquely gifted to help others grieve.

Bottom line.

The goal of a Life Theme is to be able to articulate your calling; the ways God has moved in your life to form you into who you are today. Calling doesn’t have to be complicated. Finding your calling isn’t about articulating some great purpose for what you’re “supposed to do”. Your calling is about naming who God is, and how he uniquely expresses himself to you and through you. It’s different for every one of us. Once you can articulate your calling, you’re cut loose to talk about your past, get clarity in your present, and get direction for your future.

It’s helpful to be able to say it in a simple sentence. Distilling your calling into one phrase isn’t reductive; it’s essential. Not only will this give you clarity, but discerning a life theme makes it incredibly easy for you to share your story with others.

Here are some life themes from real people who’ve walked through the pathway:

Reclaiming joy.

Shaping little hearts

Helping others find freedom.

Words that move.

Healed healer.

You are not alone.

Hospitality is a person.

Made with grit, full of grace.

Strong and gentle.

Study and wonder.

Good and free.

Take the chance.

Heart wide open.

Sing it out.

Free to search.

Safe and wild.

Feeling overwhelmed?

Don’t forget: your discipler is here to guide you every step of the way. This is perhaps the most challenging chapter of the pathway, but again and again, disciples say it was their favorite part. It’s worth it to see it through.