Inductive Study

Getting Beyond the Surface of God’s Word


Inductive Bible Study is an incredible way to encounter God’s Word. Often when we read the Bible, we take it in quickly, or we read it at face value. Consider the difference between looking at a postcard from the ocean, and what it’s like to put on a wetsuit and get underwater to explore it yourself.

Inductive study invites us to take a deep dive into scripture.

To add another illustration, you could look at it this way: every passage of scripture we read is like a prism. We read it one way, then turn it in the light to examine it from another angle. Suddenly we discover there are endless things to uncover and experience within even just one small passage of God’s Word.

This is the living Word of God; God is constantly speaking and revealing himself to us; especially through scripture. So when we dive into a passage inductively, we can be confident that God is present, active, and talking to us as we study.

You can encounter God right now through his Word, and this experience can change you, if you let it.

Set aside at least 30 minutes for this exercise.

1. Read through the IVCF Inductive Study Guide provided for you.

2. Inductive study works best with a study Bible, but if you don’t have one, that’s ok. Get your Bible ready, and your journal as well.

3. Open your Bible to 1 John 1. Take yourself through the passage slowly. Walk through the chapter step by step as the guide directs. Do not rush.

Don’t jump from one step to another quickly. Just when you think you’ve seen all you can see, press in a little farther before you move on; God might have even more for you if you stick around a while.

4. Journal your notes and what God reveals to you.